Pre-Production Art |
(Formally called: Character Studies and Concept Art.) This is a collection of art from various departments from DreamWorks that were done before everything was finalized and animated. Some of this was made in as early as the first year of production (1997). So what you're seeing here are the scraps, scribbles, and rough drafts from The Road to El Dorado. |
Concept Art and Color Keys |
The City of Gold: Mr. Mullins took into careful detail of what the ancient mayan cities used to look like. |
Tzekel-kan's temple: This is similar to what it looked like in the PC game hmmm. |
The alley in Spain: The alley by the docks in Spain complete with sailors and our beloved Con-men |
Tzekel-kan praising the gods and his acolyte coming in to tell him of the 'gods' arrival. |
Really good picture of Tzekel-kan very scary! |
Air shot of the gold, Xibalba, and Tulio and Miguel |
To Xibalba! |
The stone Jaguar and monolith in Tzekel-kan's temple. |
The Weeping Woman water fall (or whatever you want to call it) |
Sunset in the New World |
Street in Spain |
The Deck |
This shows how he moved from one position to the next and how the light changes. |
Ahh The rowboat scene with special guest JAWS! My friend Jon's fav part of the movie. |
Yikes! That must have been painful. |
The untamed Jungle of the Americas |
Color Test |
Over looking the cenote (larger version temporarily unavailble) |
City in the midst of Jungle (larger version temporarily unavailble) |
Quiet grotto below the City of El Dorado |
(larger version temporarily unavailble) |
El Dorado looking over a waterfall |
Painting with mask in photoshop (larger version temporarily unavailble) |
Rough Model Sheets These are from the earliest years of production of RtED I think rough model sheets were used to display the various types of emotions expressed by each of the characters and how to draw them. Thanks to Katie for these. Note To RtED Fan Artists: Great cheat sheets for your fan art! |
Marquettes |
Spanish Morning |
Silhouette of Monks |
Spanish backally |
Temple Lineart and shading |
A Note to the artists whose work is shown here: I only wish to compile a gallery of Pre-Production art for The Road to El Dorado. I decided to the remove artist's names and links (because I wouldn't want them to get into any leagal disputes), if you would rather not have your art posted here or you would prefer to have your name and /or link posted here please e-mail me. I'll gladly do it as I have done it for other artists by request. |
Background and Layout |
House in El Dorado |
Low angle shot for Bull Chase |
High angle shot with changing perspective for bull chase |
High Angle for Bull Chase |
Barrels by the docks |
Wide shot for bull chase |
El Dorado Foliage |
Shot from one temple to another |
El Dorado corner |
Spain side street |
Spain dead end |
The ball court |
Doorway |
Old animation Sequence of Chel with different costume |
This Cheif Tanni Marquette was created by Dusty Horner from DreamWorks and was sold on E-Bay in December of 2007 and sadly I am not the owner since I had lost the bidding last second. If you are the owner of this or other El Dorado marquettes and you are interested in selling it please e-mail me, I'm sure we can come up with something :) |
Front |
Back |
Bottom with signatures |
Character Studies |